Parish Administrator: Rev Fr Mariusz Grzech
Monday to Friday 5:45pm
Saturday Vigil 5:30pm
Sunday 9am
Wednesday 6:15 to 7:15pm
Saturday 8-9am & 4:30-5:15pm
St Paul’s Vigil Mass on Saturday evening is at 5:30pm.
Grow in Faith
Watch this space for information about upcoming study groups or add your child to Prep classes in order to prepare them for the Sacraments.
Next Parish Rosary
Tuesday 18th February
9:30am in church
Join the Parish email list
The celebration of the Mass is the life-blood of St Paul’s Mount Lawley. To view the Mass live-streamed and previous recordings of the Mass click below.
Latest News & Updates
RCIA has now resumed for 2025.
We gather in the undercroft at 7:30pm (following Holy Hour) and this week we are discussing Jesus, Conceived by the Spirit, Born of the Virgin.
All are welcome.
Monday Men’s Shed @ Molly’s
**NEW** Mon 11 Feb: A monthly (every second Monday) gathering for men of the parish and school to pray together (parish Mass at 5.45pm) and then enjoy fellowship over a drink and dinner (6.30pm) at...
St Blaise
Blessing of Throats
Monday 3rd February 2025
The traditional Blessing of Throats in honour of St Blaise will take place at the end of the 5:45pm Mass.
Rosary for our children
The most powerful way to help your children and grandchildren. Join us in praying the Rosary fortnightly on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am in the Church, followed by a cuppa on the presbytery verandah.
Upcoming dates:
February 18th
March 4th, 18th
April: 1st, 15th, 29th
May: 13th, 27th
June 10th, 24th
Comments or suggestions?
Click here
Holy Hour and St Joseph devotions
Every Wednesday evening.
Adoration 6.15 -7.15pm;
Litany of St Joseph & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Booklets available to help you focus your meditation time.
Priest available to hear confessions.
Catholic Archdiocese of Perth
Find Parishes, Mass times, Priests, Catholic Agencies and more. Our Archbishop is The Most Reverend Timothy Costelloe.
was erected by Pope Benedict XVI with a Decree of Erection, signed by William Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on 15 June 2012.
Personal Advocacy Service
Our Archdiocese has an agency which assists and supports Catholics with intellectual disability.