Marian Consecration
Important Dates:
- Start Date: November 5
- Total Consecration Date: December 8 (Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception)
Overview: Total Consecration to Mary is a commitment to devote yourself to Jesus Christ through His Blessed Mother, setting yourself apart to serve God. This practice, upheld throughout Church history, involves a 33-day period of daily preparation, concluding on the day of Consecration. You can follow daily videos provided in the video series linked here to guide your preparation.
Step-by-step preparation
Daily Preparation (Days 1-33)
Watch Daily Videos: Use the linked video series, beginning with the introduction. Each video is numbered for each day to guide you through reflections, prayers, and teachings.
Reflect and Pray: Spend each day in prayer, reflection, and reading as guided by the video series, and meditate on Mary’s role as a perfect model of discipleship.

Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation on or shortly before your Total Consecration date. This sacrament provides spiritual cleansing and preparation as you approach consecration.

Historical Foundation:
This devotion is rooted in the early Church, seen from prayers like Sub Tuum Praesidium(c. 200), and is developed further by saints such as St. Louis de Montfort and St. Maximilian Kolbe. Pope St. John Paul II, whose motto was “Totus Tuus” (“Totally Yours”), emphasized Marian consecration as a means of evangelization and renewal.

Day of Total Consecration – December 8
1. Attend Mass: If possible, attend Mass on this Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
2. Recite the Act of Consecration: Use St. Maximilian’s Act of Consecration prayer to offer yourself fully to Our Lady.
3. Commitment: With a whole heart, give yourself to Mary, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you to holiness and devotion to Jesus through her guidance.
Embrace this time of consecration as an opportunity to deepen your faith and grow closer to Jesus by entrusting yourself to His Mother, the Immaculate Heart of Mary.