As we warmly welcome Fr Mariusz as our Parish Administrator some new details that are important to note:

Parish First Collection – the BSB number is the same but the account number has changed.  

New details:
BSB: 086006
Account Number: 70 782 9728

NOTE:  If you have a regular payment from your bank account into the 1st collection, you will need to change this with your bank. 

Contact details have also changed.

Fr Mariusz:

Parish secretary (Gillian Theobold):

The Joy of Prayer

The Joy of Prayer

The Joy of Prayer video has been produced by the Centre for Liturgy. It is based on Pope Francis' Catechesis on Prayer.

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Parish Lunch

Parish Lunch

Parish Lunch Sunday 16th June We’re going to have a grand Parish Luncheon in the school hall to celebrate all that is...

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