Growing in Faith
Wed 19 Feb: We’ll gather in the undercroft at 7.30pm to discuss Jesus, Conceived by the Spirit, Born of the Virgin. Spread the word – bring your friends!
Want to know more about the Catholic faith? Join us on Wednesdays in the undercroft, 7.30 – 8.30pm (following Holy Hour).
If you are not a Catholic but would like to learn about the Church, whether in view of joining or just to gain some more information, or if you are a Catholic but would like to grow in your knowledge of the Faith, please join us for any or all sessions!
The Joy of Prayer
The Joy of Prayer video has been produced by the Centre for Liturgy. It is based on Pope Francis’ Catechesis on Prayer.
St Paul’s has a Parish Religious Education Program for primary school – aged children who do not attend Catholic schools. Trained Catechists use the resource “The Truth will set you free” and share their faith with the children.
We meet at 4pm on Wednesdays at St Paul’s Primary School, Learoyd St, Mt Lawley.
To contact the coordinator, Susan Brown by email Click here
For excellent Catholic movies, talks, programs and much more, to nurture our faith while we cannot attend Mass.
Catholic Religious Education. Wonderful resources for teaching children about the Catholic faith.
Read the entire bible in one year!
This Bible reading program by Fr Mike Schmitz of Minnesota USA walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes, providing commentary, reflection & prayer along the way. You can view them on YouTube, Spotify and Apple iTunes. Click here to view from the very beginning.