29th June 2021
Dear Parishioners –

Following upon the latest announcement by the State Government, here is our program for this weekend and the coming week:
– First Saturday (tomorrow):  Rosary 9.40am / Mass 1000am (bookings not required – it’s usually no more than 20 in attendance)
– BOOKINGS REQUIRED FOR ALL OTHER MASSES:  Please go to www.trybooking.com/BSSSK
– Weekend Masses:  Saturday 4.30pm & 6.00pm / Sunday 9.00am AND 4.30pm (this weekend ONLY)
– Weekday Masses:  Monday through Friday 5.45pm
– 20 persons only at each Mass, plus staff (priests, one acolyte or senior server, one reader, organist & cantor; no junior altar servers required)
– Live-streamed services:  First Saturday Rosary & Mass / Saturday 4.30pm Mass / weekday 5.45pm Masses / Wednesday St Joseph devotions immediately following the 5.45pm Mass (brief Exposition, moment of silent Adoration, Litany of St Joseph, Benediction)
Please remember that the parish newsletter is on the parish website.  We will be launching our new parish website sometime this weekend, so if you access our site and it looks new . . . that’s because it is!  
This evening (Friday) at 5.45pm we will livestream the First Friday Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the Litany of the Sacred Heart after the homily, and the Act of Adoration and Petition following Communion.  Join in the prayers online if you can.  Together, let’s call upon Our Lord to continue to protect us here in Perth.
God bless you all.  Say your prayers at home, especially the Rosary.  Come to Mass if you can, or join us online.  See you soon!
Father Tim and Father Marius

Father’s Day barbecue

Father’s Day barbecue

after 9am Mass
Come join us to pray for and celebrate our Fathers on Sunday 1 September, with a BBQ breakfast cook up after the 9am Mass!

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Family Conference

Family Conference

The WBC24 Family Conference, themed “Beloved: We love, because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19), will be held from 12-14 September 2024 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Scarborough.

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