St Paul’s Catholic Church Mt Lawley

From Fr Tim

Wednesday 30th March 2022

Dear Parishioners 
 In this message there is news about:
            1)  Bookings required for Holy Week and Easter Sunday
            2)  Livestreamed liturgies
            3)  Confession times in preparation for Easter (no bookings required!)
1)  Although some COVID restrictions are being lifted for certain places, houses of worship still must maintain the protocols under which we are presently functioning.  So, in order to provide seating for as many people as possible during Holy Week and Easter:
Bookings will be required for all Masses of Holy Week and Easter Sunday, except for the weekday Masses of Monday through Wednesday of Holy Week (11th – 13th April). 
With pre-booked and ticketed seating, we can accommodate up to 75% of our church capacity.  (Acolytes, altar servers and choir members do not need to book seats.)
Please book your seats for each liturgy required:
Palm Sunday Mass (three choices:  Sat 4.30pm (choir) / Sat 6.00pm (cantor) / Sun 9.00am (choir)
Holy Thursday Mass & Tenebrae (Night Prayer) – 14th April, 7.30pm (choir)
Good Friday – Stations of the Cross – 15th April, 10.00am (cantors)
Good Friday – Solemn Liturgy with Holy Communion – 15th April, 3.00pm (choir)
Good Friday – Seven Last Words – 15th April, 7.30pm (choir) – this service is only 25 minutes long
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil & Mass – 16th April, 7.30pm (choir) – NO 4.30pm or 6.00pm Masses this day)
Easter Sunday Mass (two choices:  Sun 8.00am (cantor) / Sun 9.30am (choir) – note:  9.30am, not 9.00am
If you need help with booking, please contact Linley Plowman:
– phone:          0407 383 914
– email: 
The booking system will automatically organise proper social distancing – you don’t need to do anything extra.  You will be able to see which seats have been blocked out (shaded), so just book your allocation of seats where the system shows availability.
Masks must be worn in church at all times by those required to do so.  The mask may be pulled down to consume the Sacred Host at Holy Communion, of course. 
Please make every effort to be on time for Mass.  With bookings in place, it is important that we try to accommodate everyone who wants to attend Mass, but latecomers will not be admitted after the start of Mass in order to ensure that we don’t have ‘gate-crashers’, and to permit the welcomers at the doors to take their own places in the church.  Thus, the doors will be closed once Mass begins.
2)  We are continuing to livestream the Sat 4.30pm Mass, and will also livestream:
            – Holy Thursday 7.30pm Mass
            – Good Friday 10.00am Stations of the Cross
            – Good Friday 3.00pm Solemn Liturgy
            – Holy Saturday 7.30pm Solemn Easter Vigil & Mass
            – Easter Sunday 8.00am Mass
3)  Confessions will be heard:
            – Wednesday 30th March     6.15 – 7.00pm (during Holy Hour)
            – Saturday 2nd April             9.00 – 9.45am (during First Saturday Rosary)
            – Saturday 2nd April             3.30 – 4.30pm (before 4.30pm Mass)
            – Wednesday 6th April         6.15 – 7.00pm (during Holy Hour)
            – Saturday 9th April              3.30 – 4.30pm (before 4.30pm Mass)
            – Wednesday 13th April       6.15 – 7.00pm (during Holy Hour)
            – Good Friday 15th April   11.00am – noon (after Stations of the Cross)
            – Holy Saturday 16th Apr  11.00am – noon
There will be NO communal reconciliation service this Lent – as you can see, there are
plenty of opportunities for you to fulfill your Easter duty and go to confession before
Allow us to add two last reminders: 
1)  Please support the parish financially.  We spend a lot of money on music and flowers at Easter, and as you can see above, there is music at every liturgy of Holy Week.  Father Tim personally contributes from his own salary to help pay our musicians, so he’s not asking you to do anything that he’s not doing himself. 
2)  On Good Friday, please remember to support the Holy Land with a generous donation.  These past two years have been extremely difficult for the Christians there – many of them make their living from the pilgrimage and hospitality industry, which has practically dried up.  The Church has done its best to support those struggling families, plus maintaining the many shrines, schools, hospitals, clinics, orphanages and charitable agencies there.  So please remember them.
Thank you for your support and your fine attendance throughout this Lent.   We’ll see you in church!
Father Tim  and Father Mariusz