St Paul’s Catholic Church Mt Lawley
From Fr Tim and Fr Mariusz
Thursday 21st April 2022
Thursday within the Octave of Easter
Dear Parishioners,
Hopefully you are recovering from a surfeit of chocolate Easter eggs and bunnies!
This parish email message covers the following:
– weekend Mass timetable after Easter weekend
– National Parish Life Survey initial results
– ANZAC Day Mass
– building project progress
– Divine Mercy Sunday
Weekend Mass timetable after Easter weekend
This weekend we will return to our regular Mass timetable:
– Saturday 4.30pm and 6.00pm
– Sunday 9.00am
Last weekend’s bulletin listed the Sunday time as 9.30am, but that was a mistake – sorry!
National Parish Life Survey initial results
Eighty-nine households took part in this national survey of over 3,000 Christian churches.
Most of them were older folks, and the results reflect that fact in some areas. Nevertheless, the results make for interesting reading, and thankfully it’s all positive!
In a few weeks we will receive a comparison of how we stand in comparison to other churches. But if you’d like to see the initial results, go to the website:
and then use our parish code:
ANZAC Day Mass
It’s this coming Monday, 25th April. The 5.45pm Mass will be offered for the fallen. As always, we will observe ANZAC Day ceremonies at the end of Mass, with appropriate music.
Building Project Progress
The architect and construction company owner will meet with our priests and members of our Parish Finance & Building Committee this coming Thursday afternoon. Please keep this project in your prayers.
Divine Mercy Sunday
This Sunday, 24th April, is the conclusion of the Easter Octave (eight days of celebration) and the Feast of Divine Mercy. We will have devotions beginning at 2.00pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, silent adoration, time for confessions, recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3.00pm, concluding with Benediction. Please spread the word.
Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful attendance at Mass and devotions throughout Lent, Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Despite the pandemic, our parish has remained strong in attendance and united in prayer. May the Risen Christ bless each and every one of you.
Father Tim and Father Mariusz