What's happening at St Pauls

Easter Reconciliation

Easter Reconciliation

Thursday 21st March 6.15pm, following the 5:45pm Mass. Several priests available to hear...

Novena:  St Joseph

Novena: St Joseph

Novena in Honour of St Joseph Nine days of prayer, commencing Monday 11th March and concluding...

Parish lunch

Parish lunch

Parish Lunch Sunday 10th March - Laetare Sunday Laetare Sunday is the fourth Sunday in the season...

Lent at St Pauls

Lent at St Pauls

LENTEN REGULATIONS Ash Wednesday is a day of fast (1 normal meal, 1 or 2 snacks to sustain...

Bible Study resumes

Bible Study resumes

The Gospel of St Mark     Five Tuesdays during Lent, beginning 20th February.     7.30 - 9.00pm in...

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick

This Sacrament will be available during all Masses next weekend (10-11 Feb). The elderly, those...

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

14th February 8.00am Mass: Ordinariate Mass (all welcome) 9.15am Mass: school Mass in church...



You are invited to an introduction to Christian Meditation  Looking for a ‘little more’?     This...



Fri 02 Feb: Bring your own candles to add to the candles that will be blessed for use in church....



SAFEGUARDING INDUCTION A reminder: the Archdiocese asks that ALL of our parish workers - PAID AND...

Flame Congress

Flame Congress

Allow me to bring to your attention the 34th Annual Flame Congress at John XXIII College in Mount...

Christmas 2023

Christmas 2023

CHRISTMAS MASS BOOKINGS -  It will be necessary to reserve seats for our Christmas Masses: Sunday...

Christmas week Masses

Christmas week Masses

BOXING DAY: ST STEPHEN THE FIRST MARTYRTue 26 Dec: 9.30am Rosary & Litany, cuppa following...

St John the Apostle

St John the Apostle

Wednesday 27th December 2023 Join us as we honour St John the Apostle at the 5:45pm Mass. Bring...

Parish lunch

Parish lunch

Parish Pre-Christmas Lunch Saturday 02 December - 12.00 noon Pasta-in-the-Valley restaurant2931 W...



A great opportunity to learn Thu 12 Oct - Highgate Parish  OR Fri/Sat 13/14 Oct - Whitford Parish...

Gospel of St John

Gospel of St John

St Denis – Joondanna – offers a six-week course on the Gospel of St John starting from Saturday 9...