What's happening at St Pauls
Easter Reconciliation
Thursday 21st March 6.15pm, following the 5:45pm Mass. Several priests available to hear...
Novena: St Joseph
Novena in Honour of St Joseph Nine days of prayer, commencing Monday 11th March and concluding...
Parish lunch
Parish Lunch Sunday 10th March - Laetare Sunday Laetare Sunday is the fourth Sunday in the season...
Lent at St Pauls
LENTEN REGULATIONS Ash Wednesday is a day of fast (1 normal meal, 1 or 2 snacks to sustain...
Bible Study resumes
The Gospel of St Mark Five Tuesdays during Lent, beginning 20th February. 7.30 - 9.00pm in...
Anointing of the Sick
This Sacrament will be available during all Masses next weekend (10-11 Feb). The elderly, those...
Ash Wednesday
14th February 8.00am Mass: Ordinariate Mass (all welcome) 9.15am Mass: school Mass in church...
You are invited to an introduction to Christian Meditation Looking for a ‘little more’? This...
Fri 02 Feb: Bring your own candles to add to the candles that will be blessed for use in church....
SAFEGUARDING INDUCTION A reminder: the Archdiocese asks that ALL of our parish workers - PAID AND...
Flame Congress
Allow me to bring to your attention the 34th Annual Flame Congress at John XXIII College in Mount...
Christmas 2023
CHRISTMAS MASS BOOKINGS - It will be necessary to reserve seats for our Christmas Masses: Sunday...
Christmas week Masses
BOXING DAY: ST STEPHEN THE FIRST MARTYRTue 26 Dec: 9.30am Rosary & Litany, cuppa following...
St John the Apostle
Wednesday 27th December 2023 Join us as we honour St John the Apostle at the 5:45pm Mass. Bring...
Parish lunch
Parish Pre-Christmas Lunch Saturday 02 December - 12.00 noon Pasta-in-the-Valley restaurant2931 W...
A great opportunity to learn Thu 12 Oct - Highgate Parish OR Fri/Sat 13/14 Oct - Whitford Parish...
Gospel of St John
St Denis – Joondanna – offers a six-week course on the Gospel of St John starting from Saturday 9...
Created in the image of God
An Introduction to Christian Anthropology Four Saturdays, 2 - 23 Sept at The Catholic Pastoral...